Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Drain is Running Smoothly Again!

I've HAD to learn so many things about taking care of my house over the years and one of them is keeping the drains clear of debris (that ugly gunk).  When I first bought my house my plumber said to pour bleach down EVERY DRAIN, EVERY MONTH and I probably would never have to call him unless a pipe actually broke.  Well, that advice has proven to be true for the most part but I did have to clear my bathroom sink drain this past weekend.  It was proving to be a tough clog so I finally went to Mendard's and bought a cheap drain snake for about $4.00.  I had the drain cleared in-no-time BUT then my main drain in the basement began having a problem.  Obviously, my clog had moved but not far enough  After ten minutes with my little drain snake that problem cleared too.  Well worth the $4.00 investment.  I probably saved over $100 by having the I CAN DO IT, spirit!

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