Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A great example - Toilet Paper!

Well, we all have to buy it don't we! Here's just a simple example of how couponing can save you money on toilet paper this week. If you look at this week's Target ad they are offering Scott toilet paper at $7.49. for an 8 pk or 12 pk mega size But, if you've learned the ropes on couponing you have a manufacture's coupon for $1.00 off and a Target coupon for $1.00 off. So you can actually buy this for $5.49.

Part of the "secret" is that the Target $1.00 coupon was on the Target website about 2 weeks ago and no longer appears, BUT, it doesn't expire until 5/31/10. So, it's a good idea to print those target coupons for items that aren't listed in that week's sale circular because odds are it will be on sale sometime before the coupon expires.

This exact same scenario can be done for the Tide and Downy that's on sale this week for $5.99 in the Target ad. You could actually be buying them for $3.99 each. (A great "stock up" price for these items though I have gotten them cheaper in the past.)

That's just one week and your saving $6.00 that you can spend elsewhere in your budget for basic household items.

Yes, at first, "learning the ropes" of this coupon thing took me about 2 hours a week to figure out. Now, 3 months later it takes me about 20 minutes a week to plan my purchases.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Did you know...

Did you know that Cub Foods takes coupons 6 months past their expiration? Did you know that there are special "Target" coupons on the Target website? Did you know that Walmart will accept the special Target coupons too? Did you know that Walgreens issues coupon booklets, good at their stores only, each month and that you can find them in the rack near the front of the store?

These are just a few of the great tips and insider info that you can learn when learning the ins and outs of couponing and ways to save on groceries and household necessities. Eventually, I'll go into greater depth on the subject but would like to encourage you to start saving those little coupon phamplets that come in weekend newspapers. The three most common inserts are called Red Plum, Smartsource, and P&G (stands for Proctor & Gamble). I personally buy 2 papers every weekend and have a source that gives me their inserts every week. If you have a large family, you may want to buy 4 to 5 papers after you've learned couponing.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Love for the good deal!

Hey, I stopped in to the Northfield McDonalds today, February 22nd and if you love Frappe's they are $1.00 for a limited time only. The Mocha Caramel sounds tasty! I, however, am not a coffee drinker. When I was 17, I burned myself with 30 cups of coffee at the little bakery that I worked at all down the front of my body. Ugh! No more 2-piece swim suits for me! Haven't tasted a drop of coffee since then either.

Can you tell that I love a good deal? Yes, I'm from a long-line of frugal people. My mother had 3 different "antique" shops and several of my aunts & uncles on her side were "junk" sellers too. For the past 20 years I have been a single-mom and purchased my one and only home about 16 years ago. I have never been nor will be "rich" but have gotten really good at spotting good deals and know how to be frugal with my money. I take pride in it and love to spot a good deal. The most important book I've read in my entire life was "Your Money or Your Life" which I got for free back in 1993 and it changed my whole view and understanding of money. This has helped me many, many times over the years to make ends meet and still save on a very limited income. I also love really nice stuff.

Most recently, this rotten economy got me thinking about how I could cut my budget even more than I already have. I started following "coupon" blogs last November. I have saved so much money by following these blogs and clipping coupons, it's unbelievable. If you're willing to give it a try you'll be surprised at how cheap you can get an awful lot of stuff. I also think that I'm eating better & healthier than I ever have.

And, because of this rotton economy, there are some great programs out there to save you money on home heating and applicances right now. I hope that you take advantage of them if you are a homeowner. Read my posts below about my insulation project. The difference it has made is dramatic and I didn't have to pay anyone to do it!

I also enjoy watching the stock market and read an awful lot about business & the economy. I watch the Sunday morning & Channel 2 shows about business & finance and feel well informed. I hope that each and everyone of you attends the 401K class. It is so important to know everything that you can about YOUR money.

Attic Insulation Update

I still have an area in my attic that needs insulation. Its about a 6x8 area behind a piece of wallboard. Am waiting for warmer weather before I go ahead and break through the wall. This is going to be my worst area as I know there has been some water damage in this part of the house. It probably means I'll have to rip out all of the old insulation which is a really nasty job. Do not ever attempt this without the right breathing masks!

Anyway, I did complete the rest of my attic and my heat bill is already down by 1/3 for December and January. Wow! That's big money for me. 2/3's of my expense for buying the insulation, etc has already been paid for just for December & January. Can't wait till I complete the project to see how low I can get the heat bills.

Almost Forgot, Super America Speedy Rewards

Yes, in addition to buying my cigarettes I also signed up for the Speedy Rewards program. I earned something like 130 points for my first fill up of gas. What a great surprise when I went online to register for the program! You don't have to save up a million rewards to get something for free. (It'll just never happen for me, personally.) They have prizes online that you can spend your points for chances to win. I took two chances (100 points) to try and win a camera that I would love to have. Who knows, maybe I will!

Cigarette Pricing & Coupons

Here's something I didn't know until Jacque M. pointed it out to me a couple of weeks ago. Cigarettes are $.50 per pack cheaper at Super America! That really adds up fast and I have quit buying my cigarettes at Kwik Trip. Also, if you're a Marlboro lover try the new Marlboro Special Blends, they are $1.00 per pack cheaper right now!

In addition, sign up at Not only will you start getting coupon offers but you'll also get a free T-shirt. I get a $4.00 off a carton coupon every 6 weeks or so now just for registering with them. It all adds up!

Learn about your 401K at Laura Baker

Folks, I would like to encourage all of you to sign up to attend one of the 401K classes that are coming up here at LBSA. Understanding your account and how it is allocated is extremely important to YOU! Come to the class and ask questions. There is no dumb question when it comes to YOUR MONEY! See you there.

J.C. Penney & Famous Footwear Good Deals

As a card holder for J.C. Penney I received $10 off any purchase coupons about every 3 months. Last week I had a $10 coupon so went and checked out the clearance stuff. I picked up a great zippered sweatshirt in the boys department for $13.20, so only had to pay $3.20 out-of-pocket.

I almost never go into Famous Footwear but they had huge clearance signs in the window so decided to check them out. Picked up a great pair of Eastland shoes (top quality leather) for $15. They are soo comfortable I'm thinking about going back to see if I can snag another pair.