Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Did you know...

Did you know that Cub Foods takes coupons 6 months past their expiration? Did you know that there are special "Target" coupons on the Target website? Did you know that Walmart will accept the special Target coupons too? Did you know that Walgreens issues coupon booklets, good at their stores only, each month and that you can find them in the rack near the front of the store?

These are just a few of the great tips and insider info that you can learn when learning the ins and outs of couponing and ways to save on groceries and household necessities. Eventually, I'll go into greater depth on the subject but would like to encourage you to start saving those little coupon phamplets that come in weekend newspapers. The three most common inserts are called Red Plum, Smartsource, and P&G (stands for Proctor & Gamble). I personally buy 2 papers every weekend and have a source that gives me their inserts every week. If you have a large family, you may want to buy 4 to 5 papers after you've learned couponing.

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