Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Love for the good deal!

Hey, I stopped in to the Northfield McDonalds today, February 22nd and if you love Frappe's they are $1.00 for a limited time only. The Mocha Caramel sounds tasty! I, however, am not a coffee drinker. When I was 17, I burned myself with 30 cups of coffee at the little bakery that I worked at all down the front of my body. Ugh! No more 2-piece swim suits for me! Haven't tasted a drop of coffee since then either.

Can you tell that I love a good deal? Yes, I'm from a long-line of frugal people. My mother had 3 different "antique" shops and several of my aunts & uncles on her side were "junk" sellers too. For the past 20 years I have been a single-mom and purchased my one and only home about 16 years ago. I have never been nor will be "rich" but have gotten really good at spotting good deals and know how to be frugal with my money. I take pride in it and love to spot a good deal. The most important book I've read in my entire life was "Your Money or Your Life" which I got for free back in 1993 and it changed my whole view and understanding of money. This has helped me many, many times over the years to make ends meet and still save on a very limited income. I also love really nice stuff.

Most recently, this rotten economy got me thinking about how I could cut my budget even more than I already have. I started following "coupon" blogs last November. I have saved so much money by following these blogs and clipping coupons, it's unbelievable. If you're willing to give it a try you'll be surprised at how cheap you can get an awful lot of stuff. I also think that I'm eating better & healthier than I ever have.

And, because of this rotton economy, there are some great programs out there to save you money on home heating and applicances right now. I hope that you take advantage of them if you are a homeowner. Read my posts below about my insulation project. The difference it has made is dramatic and I didn't have to pay anyone to do it!

I also enjoy watching the stock market and read an awful lot about business & the economy. I watch the Sunday morning & Channel 2 shows about business & finance and feel well informed. I hope that each and everyone of you attends the 401K class. It is so important to know everything that you can about YOUR money.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! Thanks for writing these things: I love finding out ways to save money, and I also love watching the stock market. Have you ever read financial information.
