Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Attic Insulation Update

I still have an area in my attic that needs insulation. Its about a 6x8 area behind a piece of wallboard. Am waiting for warmer weather before I go ahead and break through the wall. This is going to be my worst area as I know there has been some water damage in this part of the house. It probably means I'll have to rip out all of the old insulation which is a really nasty job. Do not ever attempt this without the right breathing masks!

Anyway, I did complete the rest of my attic and my heat bill is already down by 1/3 for December and January. Wow! That's big money for me. 2/3's of my expense for buying the insulation, etc has already been paid for just for December & January. Can't wait till I complete the project to see how low I can get the heat bills.

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