Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

George's Vineyard

I grew up eating the "Greeks" pizza. If you're a Townie, like I am, that's what we grew up on and ohhhhhh the memories. It seemed like every Friday night I was in Bill's Pizza with somebody. We all went there. If we were young it was around 8:00pm if we were older it was more like 1:00am!
These days George's is owned, I believe, by a grandson of Bill. Phil and I were classmates in high school and he and his cousin, Anna, (a cousin? of Phil) always had to work the weekends.
Anyway, did you know there is a coupon on the George's Vineyard website for pizza discounts? Well, check it out next time before you order a pizza and save a little cash.
It all adds up!
Hey! Does anyone out there remember Dino's onion rings?

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