Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Old Dog, New Trick

I've learned and tested a couple of new ideas out in the past couple of weeks and thought that I'd share my new-found knowledge!
When you purchase strawberries take them out of the plastic container immediately and place them in a GLASS dish with glass cover. (I'm using an old pyrex casserole dish I had.) and put a piece of paper towel inside with the berries. The paper towel is just as important as the glass dish. It's unbelieveable how much longer they last!
Tired of wilted celery? Well try this. As soon as you get celery home from the grocery store take it out of the plastic bag and wrap it in TIN FOIL! It'll last you twice as long!
We can always learn something new can't we?

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