Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Canary in your Kitchen?

OK, I am now on a mission. I knew that Teflon pans were dangerous but have kept using mine. It has simply been the easier thing to do - UNTIL TODAY.
Did you know that a Teflon pan heated on the stove above a #4 on your dial gives off a gas that will kill a bird in your home?
Apparently, this is a well-known phenomenon in the bird world and folks who have birds in their homes will not use Teflon!
Imagine what this silent killer has been doing to our bodies for all of these years. Or, maybe, I'm the last person in the world to be TRULY enlightened. At the very least I'll be adding new cookware into my budget. PRONTO!
P.S. When throwing them away take off the handle and put the pan in your recycling bin.

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