Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Friday, April 16, 2010

OK, I couldn't help myself!

Ok, I couldn't help myself over my lunch hour. I went to Walgreens and here is a listing (sorry no pic.) of what I got for $5.24 this week.
1 Ban Deoderant - $.24
4 Welch's Grape Jelly - $3.00 (I use about 10 of these over the summer for my birds.)
1 Shave Gel - FREE
4 Boxes of Cub Crackers - $2.00 (I love these crackers!)
That's a ton of stuff for $5.24. I know the crackers normally sell for $2.99 per box, the Welch's Grape jelly I normally pay $2.00 each and Ban is usually $3.99.

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