Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vole is Dead?

I put together my new composter last Friday and found a great spot for it in the backyard. I'm in the middle of retraining myself to not throw the egg shells, strawberry heads, bad lettuce, etc in the regular garbage. I did goof a little bit over the weekend and threw some compostable stuff in the regular garbage, but, I figure it takes a while to get used to anything new.

I thought I heard an oriole in the yard over the weekend so I quickly put out my oriole feeders. Didn't catch sight of any but the robins quickly found the tasty grape jelly! I suppose my Downy Woodpeckers will find it this week sometime. It's surprising the different birds that like that jelly! They are all birds I like in the yard.

A few weeks ago I noticed signs of a vole near my cherry tree. I quickly got some poison in the holes. I could see no signs of fresh activity this weekend so think I caught it/them before they actually got to the cherry tree. (Voles love the roots of fruit trees and can kill a tree very quickly.)

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