Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Rain Barrel Is A Hit

I absolutely love the rain barrel. If you'll recall I made a rainbarrel a few weeks ago and have been testing it out. It's fabulous to have fresh, natural water to feed my plants and fill my bird baths. I am finding out that my little homemade job isn't big enough though so am really looking at buying one of those big ones from Loews that would match the siding of my house. They hold about 30 gallens of water and I really think that's what I need.

Have you ever calculated the cost of water & sewer at your house? The cost of the sewer is about 40% of the cost of water. That's very expensive and my plants, birds, trees and grass don't need treated water. Actually they would prefer my rain barrel water so I think I'll go for it so will be watching for a sale in the next few weeks.

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