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Monday, April 26, 2010

It Does Get Better

This isn't my usual upbeat post today. An event touched me over the weekend that reminded that there's always someone else who has it tougher than you do. I am still processing this information but felt the need to share what I know. Who knows, maybe it will help someone.

There is a gal on my block who was divorced several years ago. She is/was a severe, and I mean severe, alchoholic while raising a son. The son basically took care of himself and ate when there was food in the house. He committed suicide two years ago at the age of 17 by hanging himself.

Since then, I have noticed a huge change in my neighbor. She is now able to hold a job, is not drinking, walks her little dog regularly, and has a support network helping her. An older gentlement comes to pick her up weekly and takes her to the grocery store. "Ladies" visit her on Sunday afternoons to chat, etc.

She also had a boyfriend. Someone new in her life and he stayed with her in her home. They were planning a future. Things were looking up for my neighbor. On Saturday afternoon I had even seen them outback having a good time with some friends visiting.

But, on Sunday morning I woke up and walked into my living room. There was a strange strobe effect of light in the room so I opened my front curtains. Outside my home was the Rescue Squad and 2 vehicles parked willy nilly - obviously, EMT's had rushed to the scene and parked quickly. Soon our Chief of Police drove up along with another deputy and his vehicle and two Goodhue County Sheriff's and their vehicles. Within moments the Rescue Squad and the EMT's left.

My neighbor's boyfriend had committed suicide by hanging himself.

I just sobbed for her. How can one person take this much tragedy? I feel so bad and can't quit thinking about it. I think that suicide touches most everyone sometime in life. My niece, Dawn, committed suicide in 1994 and left behid a two year old daughter. My daughter Grace has had three friends, all males, commit suicide and she is only 19.

I can't imagine the kind of pain that would cause someone to do this. I don't think that they understand that suicide is FOREVER. There is no going back.

Call a hotline, call a friend, scream from the mountain tops - just let someone know, CLEARLY, how you are feeling and ask for help. No matter how much pain you may be in today - it does get better.

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