Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Forget-Me-Knots Are Blooming

The Forget-Me-Knots have just started to bloom in my yard this week. They are one of my favorite flowers. Two of my garden flower patches are filled with them and it's like a sea of blue. My Cherry Tree and Japanese Yews are also in full bloom so my backyard smells WONDERFUL and my grass is lush! I love spring.
I mowed for the second time this season yesterday. Sixteen years ago my "grass" was all weeds - dandelions, crab grass, creeping charlie and plantains. It was disgusting but I kept working at it and I now have grass growing that I'm really proud of. I fertilize 4 times per year and apply crab grass preventer (this weekend because the lilacs are now starting to bloom) and after mowing do a trip around the yard with my weed-b-gone so that I can quickly kill any weeds that start to grow. I have no blooming dandelions but am surrounded by them on boths sides of my yard so it takes extra diligence to keep the invasion at bay. I also keep my grass at 3 inches during the spring and summer. Doing this helps keep weeds from growing and provides shade and holds dampness for the grass. In the fall I slowly bring it down to 2 inches in height before the snow flies. Doing this prevents "grass mold" from developing over the winter. Everything else is growing well and I hope to have pictures to post later this week.

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