Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Walgreens!

Walgreens has started their mid-week sale and their July Coupon Book along with their weekly ad. There are lots of bargains and coupon match-ups to be found!
120 Minute TracFone Card - $29.99
Natural Dentist Healthy Gum Wash - $4.99 less $4.00 in Register Rewards = $.99
3 packs of Dentyne PURE - 3 for $.99 with Walgreens Coupon + Manufacturer's Coupon for $1.00 = FREE
Aloe Socks - $3.00 less $3.00 Register Rewards = FREE

The TracFone card is a set price everywhere so I can't avoid paying the $29.99 anywhere I go BUT I have coupons to double those minutes that TracFone sent me several months ago! All in all, EVERYTHING accept the phone card cost me $.99 before tax!

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