Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Couponer Does Extremely Well!

Ok, I've told you that I have been helping a few folks get into using coupons and one of them got some fantastic bargains that I wanted to show you.
The bread is FREE from Kwik Trip using a coupon!
All of the other booty came from Walgreens!
6 pairs of sox.
1 Men's Proglide Razor - battery powered!
1 Cover Girl face make-up
1 Cover Girl Mascara
2 large bags of M&M's
After coupons and Register Rewards they paid $9.50! That's absolutely fantasic for all of these high expense items! A savings of over $30.00! Congratulations, Jane F! You Rock at the Coupon Game!

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