Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Rule at Kwik Trip - ALERT!

I just want to alert everyone about something Kwik Trip has recently begun doing. If you use your debit card to pay, watch out! A hold of up to $75 may be put on your account until the charge is cleared even if you only bought $20.00, or so, in gas! This could cause you to overdraft your bank account if you are running low on money in your account and another debit charge comes through. This hold can remain on your account for several days. There are now stickers located on the gas pumps alerting you of this. I think that I'll start paying by check from now on at Kwik Trip. It's not worth the overdraft fee risk! I'll try and get a photo up of this new sticker so that you can look for it at Kwik Trip or any other gas station that you use.

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