Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Bomber Has To Go!

The melting snow has made my Bomber, a 1993 Ford Escort Wagon, reappear from under the snow and I've got to do something about it soon. The "Law" in Kenyon will be making its rounds soon and passing out tickets with fines for junk cars or any other debris laying around the homeowner's property. Thankfully, the Bomber's license tabs are good until May. It buys me a little bit of time.

It died its final death just before the snow blew last fall. Not bad - 218,000 miles and paid $11,000. That averages out to be .20 cents per mile (not including oil changes, several pairs of tires, interest, and small repairs - nothing big) to drive that car for 17 years! It was a great little car with a 5-speed transmission so the gas mileage right up until the end was great. It averaged roughly 34 miles a gallon.

It never once failed me and left me stranded on the roadside, either! It provided my daughter and I with 16 years of Fourth of July memories. It was a tradition to put blankets, stuffed animals & snacks in the back end and open up the rear so that we could watch the fireworks from our little nest.

I have never had to dispose of a junk vehicle. I'm assuming that I have to call some junk dealer and have them come and tow it away. Hopefully, it won't cost me any money and that there is some sort of value left in a junk car for parts or whatever. It'll be with a little sadness when I sign the title over to them. An end of an era!

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