Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Strawberries & Parmesan Cheese

When I was growing up mom and dad had a huge strawberry patch. I can still remember sitting in the garden eating them as fast as I picked them. Today, I still love them and they are considered one of the "extravagances" in my budget. In other words, if I want them, I will pay whatever price they charge, no matter what time of year. We all need those special items.

Happily, this week marks the time for cheap strawberries at Hy Vee. They are $1.38 for a 16 oz. container. Yay! They look beautiful and taste good, too. I bought 2 containers and still had some from my purchase last week so I'll be gorging all week! Yum.

Another of my "extravagances" is real parmesan cheese sold in the chunk. It is spendy but if you've never had it I suggest giving it a try. No shaking it from the Kraft shaker for me. Both Cub and Walmart carry the brand that I like but Walmart sells it for $2.00 less per 8 oz. so I try and always buy it there.

What are your little extravagances?

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