Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Found, Unexpected & Rebate Money

Thanks to Judy K. I found an auto salvage dealer who'll come pick up the car - it is undriveable - and pay me $50. Cool! No more worries about junk in my yard and $50 to boot.

So what will I do with this "found or unexpected" $50? It'll go into my little pile of money from rebates and other misc money that has come my way since I started to seriously coupon. I even found over $2.00 in the bomber when I was cleaning it out last night! I'm proud to say that with the addition of this money that "little" pile is over $220 since last November.

I've got one more rebate that I'm waiting to receive for $15.00. After I get that I'll be able to pay off my smallest monthly bill. Yahoo!

I WILL slowly but surely reach FINANCIAL FREEDOM! One small financial step at a time really adds up to something big. That's what all of my efforts are really all about.

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