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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reading More In 2010!

One of my personal goals for 2010 is to read one book per month. While my daughter was growing up there never seemed to be enough "me" time so I hadn't read much for pleasure in several years. I figured that this was a very doable goal since I'm now an empty nester and have a lot more free time. I picked up 2 paperbacks from the Goodwill in Rochester in January. I don't mind paying $1.99 for a good book and they have a huge selection - both hard cover and paperback!

I really like Dan Brown so I read "The Divinci Code" in January and started "Digital Fortress" in late February. I didn't get Digital Fortress finished in February but am working hard at it. His short chapters are an easy read during commercial breaks on tv!

If you have any of Dan Brown's other books or "The Lost City of Z" I sure would like to borrow them from you! What's your favorite book right now?

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