Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March All-Staff Meeting at LBSA

On the 2nd payday of each month an All-Staff meeting is held on campus. Each month a different group takes on the assignment of supplying food and prizes of some sort. For the month of March the prizes will be baskets of items that I pick up (using funds from the all-staff funds) over the next 2 weeks from my coupons that I'm personally not interested in or don't need. Judy and Bonnie will also be on the committee.

I'm thinking that this will be really fun and a "Not To Miss" All-Staff meeting. You might be surprised at what I come up with and the amount of items you may be able to walk away with - FREE! It helps me because I'm personally fairly stocked up at home and haven't needed alot of the good deals in the last couple of weeks and have felt torn about not going and getting them. Our goal is to encourage smart shopping habits and couponing in this tough economy.

Please plan on attending the March 26th meeting at 9:15 a.m. if you are a staff member at LBSA!

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