Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cooking on Sundays

Many of the blogs that I follow include Freezer Cooking Days at the beginning of the month. The idea is to have one marathon cooking day each month so that you don't have to think about what's for dinner each day the rest of the month. It's a fabulous idea to have these meals on-hand. Some of the gals cook up an entire month's worth iof main courses AND desserts, cookies, muffins, pancakes, etc.

I shoot for almost a week's worth of meals and it seems to be working out quite well. Usually on Sunday, I'll cook up at least 2 different casseroles and portion them out into meals for the week. Some need freezing and some just need refrigeration. They aren't enough for an entire week but on the nights I can't bear to cook they're nice to grab! Sometimes I still forget to bring my lunch but now, most of the time, I bring it to work and have something homemade which is much healthier than fast food. It's easy to warm it in the microwave and much cheaper on the budget. I should really figure out how much cheaper it is to do meals this way.

A few weeks ago I made homemade 6 McMuffin's for breakfasts. It's a great idea but be sure to let everything cool before you put the sandwiches together to freeze. I didn't and they became a gloppy mess with cheese melted all over. They didn't taste the best because of not letting them cool first (I could no longer tell there was cheese on them!) but I'll try making them again sometime soon. I also want to try breakfast burritos.

It all adds up!

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