Giving myself a Raise without getting one!

Saving money and getting things cheap!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Getting There!

We'll I finished reading Digital Fortress and ONLY have 450 pages left to read in Angels & Demons. I'm sure that I won't finish it before March 31st but you never know! I think that's pretty good with keeping up with my reading goal. It might help if I choose a shorter book for my April reading! Ha! We'll see what I come up with over the weekend.

I didn't need much for groceries this week. I'm still fairly stocked up with stuff at home so my only couponing this week was for the bacon at Walgreens - $6.00 - $1.00 in RR - $1.50 coupon - $.75 coupon = $2.75 for 2 pounds of bacon. Not bad!

Am getting anxious to start my spring yard work but it's way too early. I have lots of perennials popping up! We'll get some more cold nights even though they are expecting 70 next week. I'm looking forward to doing some different stuff in the area along side my new fence this spring. I think it will be soooo cute! But I just have to wait a while longer.

My ad in the Bargain Hunters hasn't produced a sale yet but I did get a call from a gal in IOWA! How she found out about my ad, I have no idea. I hope my pans sell over the weekend. I'd like to place another ad next week for my Longaberger stoneware - I just never use the stuff so figure I'll sell it and use the money in some other way!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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